O'Connell Street Associates
Over the past 18 months I've had the privledge of working on the O'Connell Street Associates history.
Initially the project started out as an oral history, interviewing some of the long-standing members
of the organisation, many of whom I've known for many years.
I was fortunate to spend some time with Sir Eric McClintock, one of Australia's
post-war industralists who continued to contribute to the growth and
development of Australia for many decades, and the founder of
O'Connell Street Associates.
A summary of the interviews then morphed into a short history, and then
into a limited print run book.
At a time when there's rapid change, increasing distrust of government, business,
reglious, community and other institutions the wealth of knowledge and
perspective that the members of O'Connell Street Associates is invaluable and
much needed.