Storytelling, brand strategy and social media
494 weeks ago

Storytelling, brand strategy and social media

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I had the fortune to sit down for two hours with one of Australia’s leading brand strategy experts last week, Donna Meredith from Keystone Corporate Positioning. We’re friends and we wanted to catch up early on in 2016 so we could discuss the key trends in corporate storytelling, corporate branding and marketing.

In our two uninterrupted hours we worked to solve the problems of the branding and marketing world. Donna from the perspective of a strategic branding specialist, me from the perspective of a storyteller…someone who creates, lives and breathes the story that can then underpin the brand.

Our discussion traversed the whole range of marketing, branding, media agencies, social media, new media, old timers (like us), transitions, big data, analytics, platforms…you name it.

The fact that we both understood half of the terminology and acronyms we were conversing about was simply taken for granted. Yet, many of our peer group would have been lost within 30 seconds of our discussion. And, I thought, perhaps they rightly have chosen not to be sucked in to the social media frat party. 

Very quickly our discussion focused on the critical importance of having a clear, concise and well-considered brand strategy. Without a strategy and clear understanding of your product/service, target audiences – and how they engage – and a great product, (for me this means a great story) you might as well not bother. 

For my friend and brand strategy expert, defining the brand and strategy is vital, essential and fundamental. 

For me, the storyteller for businesses and brands, defining the brand and strategy is vital, essential and fundamental. As quoted in a 2011 paper from JWT Intelligence, (ftransmediarisingpresentationslideshareversion03-08-11-110308094241-phpapp02.pdf)

 Brands that seek differentiation and wish to establish emotional connections that produce consumer engagement will need to get better at storytelling. Understanding where the gaps exist between emotional aspects of the brand’s category ideal and how the brand is seen by consumers, can provide opportunities to identify unique stories, histories and tales that will differentiate, entertain, and engage.” 

This viewpoint was reinforced by Jay Baer during a recent webinar I participated in, who commented about Social Media that You don't need a social media strategy, you need a brand strategy that leverages Social Media. Its about attraction not interruption.

It's about meaningful engagement."

So, there we enjoying a great lunch and solving the challenges of the world in terms of brand strategy. 

Have a strategy, be clear about it, then tell your story well and think about how you are going to tell it across all the platforms that are available. 

Tell your story in a meaningful way and think about how all the people (human beings – people like you and me) can, and want to, connect with you. Be genuine, open, honest and simple. 

Understand me, tell me your story, and I’ll share mine with you. Connect with me.

 As Frank Rose, author of The Art of Immersion states:

“Everywhere we look, stories are breaking the limits imposed by print, film and video. Boundaries that once seemed clear – between author and audience, content and marketing, illusion and reality – are starting to blur.”