The 100th anniversary of Patrick
287 weeks ago

The 100th anniversary of Patrick

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Patrick is a well-known company in Australia in marine logistics.

The company has a long and distinguished history and this has been

captured by author, Claude Varnier in this 100th anniversary book.

Global Stories was commissioned to work with Claude on the

editing, design and printing of the book.


It was fascinating to learn about the early history of the company

and it's challenges with the more established shipping companies

and associations. 


Patricks has always been an innovative company and through a number of

owners never afraid to tackle the specific challenges that have arisen

across Australia's waterfronts and logistics sector.


Of course, Chris Corrigan is a significant part of the company's

more recent history both directly and then through Qube.

The book formed part of Patrick's 100th anniversary celebrations in

July 2019 and was presented to all current employees.