Use your company history to connect the past with the present and future
206 weeks ago

Use your company history to connect the past with the present and future

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Over the past several years I have been working on the history of the Commonwealth Bank.

It's a significant company history. CommBank is the largest company on the ASX, Australia's largest

bank and largest home loan bank. As such it's touched the lives of millions of Australians for over

100 years.


A company's history can only live for future generations if it's recorded and then shared in ways that engage 

current generations.


While I am passionate about books, video, audio and other electronic media give companies and

business storytellers like me, a whole raft of ways to create and share business stories, of storytelling.


As we come up to ANZAC Day here in Australia I thought I'd share just some of the ways the Commonwealth Bank is

sharing it's history – the stories of how it's been an integral part of the fabric of Australian life for

over one hundred years – specifically in relation to how it was engaged in supporting Australia's

war effort, it's employees who enlisted and the families and communities they left behind.

Here's some links to some of CommBank's history.


If you want to explore how to capture, re-purpose and share your business story in ways that will engage your

employees, clients, customers and the community contact Jaqui for a free business storytelling discussion.