Westpac for International Women's Day
545 weeks ago

Westpac for International Women's Day

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Who: Wesptac

Why: Celebrate International Womem's Day 100th anniversary

What: Hard and soft cover book with profiles on 100 women who have made a difference in Australia

How: Jaqui worked with Larke Riemer and the Women's Markets team to develop the concept of the book, compile and then select the 100 women for inclusion, managed the writing and undertook some of the profiles as well as managing the design, production and printing of the book.

Result: Wesptac used the book as the showcase in major events across Australia throughout the 100th anniversary year of International Women's Day. The then CEO Gail Kelly, hosted a series of client/community functions. Later, in 2016 the book was utilised as a gift to those attending Westpac's pre 200th anniversary event, showing how a well-planned and executed book can have longetivty for a company.